ECO4 Scheme Funding

If you are a homeowner receiving government credits, you may be eligible for funding to enhance your home’s energy efficiency. Qualifying households could receive a complimentary A-Rated Gas Boiler or Air Source Heat Pump. Additionally, you might be eligible for Solar PV, Wall Insulation, and Loft Insulation at no cost, all covered under the Government funded ECO4 Scheme.

Who is eligible for ECO4 scheme?

  • Homeowners or Private Tenants
  • Household income is under £31,000
  • Individuals living in the home who get income-related benefits
  • Properties with inefficient electric heating 
  • Income based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA)
  • Income related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Income Support (IS)
  • Pension Credit Guarantee Credit (PCGC)
  • Working Tax Credit (WTC)
  • Child Tax Credit (CTC)
  • Universal Credit (UC)
  • Housing Benefit
  • Pension Credit Savings Credit (PCSC)
  • Child Benefit


Shropshire Green Energy Centre



Single claimant

Number of children or qualifying young persons





ECO4 Child Benefit income thresholds (before tax and National Insurance)

Member of a couple

Number of children or qualifying young persons





ECO4 Child Benefit income thresholds (before tax and National Insurance)

What is an Energy Efficiency Rating (EPC rating)?

The Energy Efficiency Rating shows how efficient the property was at the time the certificate was issued. You’ll see a rating somewhere between A and G. The most energy efficient home would have an A rating, whilst the worst possible score is G. The average rating for a property in England and Wales is D. The higher the rating, the lower your fuel bills are likely to be.

The EPC will also show you the potential Energy Efficiency Rating for the property. This shows you how much better the performance could be if you carried out all the recommended improvements.

Check to see if you have a current EPC here

We can check to see what insulation work is needed…

Extract & Refill Of Failed Cavity Wall Insulation (CWI)

Room In Roof Insulation

Loft Insulation Is Topped Up To 300mm

Solid Walls – Internal / External Insulation – (may require contribution)

Empty Cavities Filled With Mineral / Bead Insulation

Home Ventilation Package

We can also offer funding for:

  • ASHP (Air source heat pumps)
  • FTCH (First Time Central Heating)
  • Solar PV
  • District Heating Connection
Shropshire Green Energy Centre Ltd
Shropshire House, Cemetery Road,
Dawley Bank, Telford,
TF4 2BS 01952 505506
North East Green Energy Centre Ltd
Aidan House, 513B
401 Sunderland Road,
NE8 3HU 0191 4296536