UK households could save a staggering £8 billion a year by improving insulation and efficiency upgrades, according to Carbon Copy’s 25 Big Local Actions in 2025 campaign. The campaign focuses on insulation to tackle the UK’s inefficient housing stock, highlighting the success of Warmer Homes Scotland, which has helped 35,000 households cut bills and stay warm.
“A genuine mass insulation scheme could save £8 billion a year nationally,” said Carbon Copy co-founder Ric Casale. Beyond cost savings, poor insulation has serious health impacts. “Increasing the energy efficiency of the UK’s properties to EPC C would prevent around 650,000 new cases of childhood asthma by 2030.”
Andrea Howe from Cosy Homes in Lancashire added, “A lot of installers with access to funding were leaving out the most vulnerable residents.” She stressed the need for local authorities to ensure support reaches those who need it most.
#energyefficiency #insulation #SaveOnBills #ClimateAction #healthyliving #shropshiregreenenergycentre